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Consider becoming an underwriter for our event! Underwriters help cover the event costs, maximizing the funds raised for our members. Explore the underwriting opportunities below.

Underwriting Opportunities
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

DJ Audio/Visual $0.00

Auctioneer $0.00

Entertainment $0.00

Program Design/Print $0.00

Champagne Sold Out

Hosted Bar $0.00

Invitation Print Sold Out

Wine for Dinner Sold Out

Invitation Postage $0.00

Honoree Gift $0.00

Valet Parking Sold Out

Centerpieces $0.00

Full Page Advertisement $0.00
  • 4.75in W X 7.75in H

Half Page Advertisement $0.00
  • 4.75in W X 3.75in H

Quarter Page Advertisement $0.00
  • 2.25in W X 3.75in H

Business Card Advertisement $0.00
  • 3.5in W X 2in H